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Sunday, May 13, 2012


Thinking this blog should be renamed to include fitness somehow. Fitness has increasingly become a HUGE part of who I am.

Two years ago when I realized my metabolism was changing for a third time in my life I got very serious about getting my body together. Now that I have hit a milestone age it has become even more important to stay on top of things.

Don't get me wrong, it's not only for vanity sake. Now I can run up a pair of Subway stairs without getting winded. This was not true two years ago. My knees don't hurt, my back doesn't ache. And ok so yes for vanity sake I am wearing a size two again.

EAT! And yes, I still eat and make yummy foods. Now I must make my own foods all the time since the no-process food rule is strictly in effect.

PRAY! Of course this blog would not be complete without sharing some spiritual truth from my life.

As I posted in a previous entry, I'm still getting through the dismantling of my former cult life. Still finding it hard to commit to a home church. I feel awful about this sometimes and other times I don't. One thing is true, my faith in GOD has not changed.

But just like the GOD I know, He showed up in a place I would not have expected.

Saturday - CrossFit. First, let me explain CrossFit to you. It's the most insane workout I have ever taken in my life. The physical feats that we complete are no less than brutal. I've seen strong guys just fall to the floor in exaustion. It's also addictive. Go figure.

On this particular Saturday the instructor decided to give us weighted bars to put on our backs and run around a huge Armory building. My weight was relatively light (45 lbs I'm guessing). But some other CrossFiters had upwards of 95 lbs. ON THEIR BACKS! After we got back from running we had to complete 30 various squat exercises. This happened a total of three times. He didn't tell us that from the beginning, he never does or else we will get our minds all messed up and quit.


At my second run around the Armory. Realizing that I don't pray nearly enough during these insane exercises. I began to pray. When I prayed I was given the following...

Christ carried a Cross uphill after being beaten bloody, that weighed more than this weighted bar you're carrying. He did that for you.


Then I ran further saying outloud YES! THANK YOU! I kid you not, then I see a thorn on the ground as I ran towards the finish line. After getting through the squats realizing I had to do this again I continued to pray and God kept giving me spiritual truths to get through this brutal exercise. "I can do all things through Christ" etc.

At one point I started getting all teary over this spiritual experience. I WAS HAVING CHURCH! WORSHIP right there during this class. I ran the last lap with more energy and speed than the first!


At the conclusion I thought to myself. That's right this certainly was CROSS.FIT.

Lesson learned?

God will reach us where we are, and give us life lessons whether or not we sit in a pew or attend an exercise class. He's everywhere! I still need to get myself into a church but God knows that too. Thankful for the way he worked during my class on Saturday. My God is real! Amen...