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Thursday, November 28, 2013

SEEK Part 2

I wandered around needlessly searching for love outside of myself.

God filled my soul with a fountain flowing with love. 

There is no need to seek it outside myself.

Now I can love...

Freely, joyfully, courageously.

Because I love me, and that's what truly matters.

~excerpt from my short film project SEEK


We are constantly seeking something outside ourselves. 
We come out of the womb seeking.
First for air, then our mother's embrace.
Love, Acceptance, Intimacy.

When our seeking doesn't seem to yield results, we act 
out on ourselves or others.

I have come to realize we are all seeking the same thing.
Not able to give because we ourselves are spent, used up.

Tired of trying to get what we want or need.

What if everything we want or need is inside of us waiting to
be released?

- excerpt from my short film SEEK