Here is a video from one of their rescues...
If you watched the video you noticed that the poor dog was so afraid of another human hurting her that she growled and snapped to protect herself. She thought her rescuer was like all the other humans, mean and abusive.
Those of us looking at the situation from the outside know this particular human is going to love and care for this dog. But how is the dog to know? Especially when that's all she knew?
But then at the end of the video you see her running, playing and socializing like she had never been hurt before. The happy ending is my favorite part.
I feel like that scared dog. I have been hurt over and over, I distrust other humans. Specifically, male humans. But female humans are pretty mean too. I growl and bite on the inside. I have a nice shiny steel plate over my heart. To protect me from the bad ones, and the good ones too.
It's sad because I really would like a happy ending like this dog but I have no idea which human is going to be the nice one. They seem charming, respectful and kind. But they turn, leaving me like this poor dog. Scared and distrustful.
This human needs a Hopes For Paws. Or maybe Hopes for Hands and Feet since I don't have paws...
I want a puppy.