You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8
The bottle is huge, the book is thick. My share of sorrow is expansive. I'm sure a lot of yours too. There's an ocean of tears. None of us are immune to pain, sorrow, disappointment, hurt, and betrayal.
It's what we do through the pain that matters. The pathway between the initial "strike" or "infliction" and the joy on the other side. It's a murky and foggy time. The light peeks through the dark long enough for temporary relief but then the wave of pain and remembrance returns.
The bounce from one extreme to another never really ends. But there is the other side. The side that allows a new beginning. The new normal.
Just like a physical wound, the healing seems all done from the outside, but we soon realize the scars are deep. Very deep. Fragile. If we aren't careful another strike can re-open the wound.
But then there's the scar tissue. It never goes away completely. But we get stronger and stronger. We learn from the pain or simply accept this as part of our journey.
We grow.
To finally burst through takes courage, it takes work and energy. To stay in the pain may seem the only option for awhile, however that state isn't how life was intended.
Through the pain is the way.
Past the pain is the way.
Beyond the pain.
To joy.
Allow the journey through the pain. Your Creator takes note and knows.