This awesome site Baggage Reclaim has helped me immensely these last few months. Today I read this...
"People don’t always value others or even their things. That doesn’t mean that the person or the object lacks value – it just means that the person doesn’t value it because of their own relationship with themselves and their value system".
"Don’t make judgements about you based on a perspective gained from being treated in a less than manner – spend more time regaining your sense of self and nurturing you, than you do trying to legitimise crappy treatment by ripping your character apart".
I have crazy expensive taste. It never fails, I manage to pick up the most expensive item at the department store. It can be quite frustrating being on a tight budget. At the same time I often shop at Goodwill. Not long ago I found a Barneys New York blazer. To the unaware shopper the blazer probably looked like any other. However, the blazer retails for close to $400.00. I bought it for $7.99.
Just like the blazer, I find others may not recognize my worth. But I know my worth. I also know there are a few that can identify my worth. Those who identify my worth are in for a treat.
YOU are invaluable, know your worth!
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